Water Management
ES50 Flow Control Unit
- The Intelligent Urinal Flush Control Unit

It’s not often we think about the amount of water used in our company washrooms. Here are a few frightening truths about the money that is literally going down the drain in your business.
- Save water and money - a typical 12 litre cistern flushing only 4 times
per day would save around 411,000 litres of water per annum,
which equates to a yearly financial saving of around £835.00 (based on
a water rate of £2.03 per m3).
- Sleek, compact design - no unsightly addition to your washrooms.
- Optimizes flush cycle - only flushes when it’s necessary, reducing
your water consumption, which in turn will save money.
- Water audit feature - you can see exactly how much water you
are using (and saving!).
Read about your company's legal washroom obligations here » |